


Questions 1-7 

There are 6 advertisements A-F on the next page. 

Answer the questions below by writing the letters of the appropriate advertisements in  the boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet. 

1 Which advertisement says people can buy a used computer? 2 Which advertisement says that there are special offers available? 3 Which advertisement offers training on computer programming? 4 Which advertisement offers an opportunity to learn about history? 5 Which advertisement offers a service to improve Internet speed? 6 Which advertisement has a service to install a computer? 

7 Which advertisement says that further details are available online?



Kenton Computers is the area’s most prestigious outlet for buying a new computer. We sell all  types of desktop and laptop computers for individual and company requirements. We also  offer a complete set-up service to ensure that your purchase is used to its optimum potential. 

We are also the area’s specialist for gamers. Whether you’re just starting out or have been  gaming for years, we’ll have a gaming PC and game selection to suit your level and budget. 

Sale on now - 25% off all sales of new computers

B Kenton Computer Repair Service 

Come to us for all your computer repair needs 

20 years’ experience; no fix, no fee Repairs 

Upgrades and updates 


2nd hand sales 

Virus removal 

Desktops, laptops, PC’s, Macs 

38 Railway Road, Kenton 

Tel 08462 859 83

D Situation Vacant 

Well-known high street insurance company  requires a top performing computer programmer  and technician to oversee upgrades to various  branches around the country. Travel conditions,  pay and other benefits will be outstanding for the  right candidate. Experience and references are  essential. Call David Johnson on 07770 692132  for details. 

F Kenton Museum 

 Special Free Exhibition 

 The History of the Computer 

From the use of the ancient abacus to Lovelace and  Babbage’s 19th century work to code breaking in  World War 2 to the development of the Internet.  Come and learn how today’s essential science,  household and business tools was developed. 

C Magna Computer Training Services 

Here at Magna, we have 15 years of  experience teaching people how to use  computers. This can range from teaching  people to use a computer for the first time to  programming courses that can lead to a  professional qualification and a job. Check  our online brochure for details of all our  courses and fees. 

E Internet Supermarket 

Want to get online or get a better connection?  Is your home Wi-Fi up to the job?  

We’ll show you how to beat slow  

connections with a new AC router and how  your home’s plug sockets can boost your  signal with our Powerage technology. 

We can offer you contracts with all the  largest Internet providers. Drop in and tell  us your requirements and we will fix you up  with the best contract for your situation. 

49 Longford Street, Kenton 

Tel 08462 589472

Questions 8-14 

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text? In boxes 8-14 on your answer sheet write: 

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information 

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information 

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this 

8 It takes three days to complete the Beginner Diving Course at the Atlantis Dive  Centre. 

9 Reduced fees for driving courses are possible if a large group books together. 10 Beginner divers must produce proof of identity when enrolling in a course. 11 Early stage pregnancy will not affect acceptance on a diving course. 12 The Atlantis Dive Centre only teaches diving to beginners. 13 Children between 16 and 18 can do the course if accompanied by a parent. 14 The Atlantis Dive Centre can arrange accommodation with a local family. 

Atlantis Dive Centre 

Become a Scuba Diver! 

Take our Beginner Diver Certificate in our fully equipped dive centre, located next to the warm  waters of the Pacific Ocean. The Beginner Diver Certificate takes place over three days and  comprises theory tuition, confined training dives in our own swimming pool at our centre and four  open water dices in the Ocean with an instructor. Once you have passed your Beginner Diver  Certificate, you can dive independently at any dive centre around the world. The Beginner Diver  Certificate costs AUS$600. This fee must be paid before the start of the course. 

We only run the Beginner Diver Certificate with a minimum of five learner divers, but we can offer  the course with three divers on payment of a supplement of AUS$300 per learner diver. For  parties of six or more, we can offer attractive discounts. 

It is not essential to be extremely fit in order to scuba dive, but participants on our course should  possess a fundamental level of good health. In many places it is compulsory to undergo a  medical test before the course begins and this is a requirement with us and all learner divers  must complete a recreational diver medical. This can be done at our centre and is included  within the Beginner Diver Certificate fee. If your medical is done elsewhere, you MUST bring your certificate of diving health BEFORE you begin. The following medical issues might affect  your eligibility to take our diving course: 

Are you pregnant, or are you trying to get pregnant? 

Do you take any prescription medications? 

Are you over 45 years of age and smoke, have high cholesterol or blood pressure, have a  family history of heart attack or stroke, or have diabetes? 

Course participants must also be able to swim and this will be tested in our Open Water  Swimming Test. 

Although we specialize in training new scuba divers, we run monthly advanced courses that  cater for more experienced divers who wish to learn new skills and gain more advanced diving  certification. 

One great way to learn diving is to use the new referral system. We can teach you all the theory  and give you your confined water dives at our centre, and then you can choose to do your four  open water dives at any recognized diving centre anywhere in the world. You tell us where you  want to go and we’ll send your chosen centre all the required paperwork. 

For those participants coming from further afield, we can also arrange accommodation for you.  We are in contact with a variety of local hotels, guesthouses, bed and breakfasts, and even  campsites or homestay households. These have been all carefully vetted and we ensure that  previous participants give us feedback on their experiences. We are therefore confident that we  can provide the best accommodation options for you while you are doing your diving course. The  regular business that we provide our accommodation partners also allows us to secure discounts  for our customers, making our choices even more advantageous for you. 

For further information, consult our webpage, email us or call us directly on 000. We will be happy to  provide you with more information and we make every effort to tailor a product to your requirements.


Questions 15-21 

Complete the summary below. 

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 15-21 on your answer sheet. 

Basic Advice for an Interview 

Being late for an interview shows bad planning, bad (15) ________, a lack of respect,  and it gives a bad first impression. Plan your journey - use the Internet and make  some notes. Try to be 10-15 mins early, but don’t come too early! 

Come early AND come smart. Dressing informally also might give employers a poor  impression of you, so make an effort with how you look. 

An interview should be a (16) ________, so prepare lots of questions on the  company and its (17) _________. Do more than just research the interviewing  company’s website. Know what the different (18) _________ of the company are and  how you’ll be a part of them. 

Whatever your reasons for wanting a new job are, don’t criticize your previous  employer - you don’t want to be seen as a (19) _________. 

Because getting a good job is a very (20) ________ process, it’s important to  (21) _______ and show you’re passionate about the job and the company.

Basic Advice for an Interview 

1 Don’t Be Late 

I know this advice may sound trivial and something that you already know, but it still happens.  You can never predict what might make you late. It could be just public transport problems, but  most of the time arriving late is because you didn’t plan properly. Running late not only suggests  poor time management skills, but also shows a lack of respect for the company. Arriving late is  an excellent way to give your interviewer a bad first impression and we all know how important  first impressions are. Plan your journey as well as possible, even by checking the public  transport website the night before if you have to. Jump on the Internet and figure out exactly  where your interview is and make note of a couple of reference points so that you don’t get  flustered if you get lost. Budget your time so that you make it to the interview at least ten to  fifteen minutes early. While it’s good to arrive early, don’t get there 3 hours early or you’ll come across as nervous and well, a bit weird. 

2 Dress Smartly 

Some people feel that dressing down shows their character, but many employers feel that not  dressing formally for an interview also shows a lack of respect and care. There’s nothing to lose  by putting on a tailored skirt with smart jacket or a trouser suit for a woman, or a suit for a man,  so just do it and don’t take a chance. 

3 Ask Questions 

A lot of candidates tend to think that an interview is the process of being asked questions. This  is far from the truth, as both interviewer and interviewee ought to create a dialogue. You should  be ready with your own questions too. A good interviewer will usually allow for enough time to let  you ask as many questions as you want at the end of the discussion. Therefore, prepare  questions on the topics you’re interested in. Ask questions about the company and show that  you want to know about their products. You don’t want to show a complete lack of knowledge of  what the company does; you want to show an interest. Hiring managers will assume that you  have investigated their organization’s website, so expand the scope of your research efforts. Try  to understand what the organization’s goals are in the short, medium and long term and how  your work will contribute. 

4 Don’t Bad-Mouth Previous Employers 

Some people apply for a new job because they’re searching for a new challenge, or because  they want a higher salary, and others because their employer sucks. Regardless of what your  reason is (but in particular if it’s the latter), don’t ever say bad things about your current or  previous employers in an interview. The interviewer will be listening to your answers and  thinking about what it would be like to work with you. You may come across as a complainer and  the interviewer may even wonder what will happen once you’ll leave their company. 

5 Be Enthusiastic 

The job market is highly competitive for every good position, there are usually a large number of candidates. If you’ve done well enough to make it to the interview, don’t give the impression that you’re bored with the interview, or the company. Smile and show you’re enjoying everything.  Employers want to hire people who are passionate about their job and interested in their  company.

Questions 22-27 

Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer of the text? In boxes 22-27 on your answer sheet write: 

YES if the statement agrees with the writer’s views 

NO if the statement doesn’t agree with the writer’s views NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this 

22 As they’re outside normal working hours, overtime rates can fall below rates for  the minimum wage. 

23 Employers have the right to stop any worker form doing overtime, regardless of  contractual details. 

24 Workers cannot work part-time in government industries. 

25 Any overtime payment will be at least what is paid for a half hour’s work at the  overtime scales agreed. 

26 Workers who have signed up for overtime must cancel their agreement in writing  if they change their minds. 

27 Food must be provided for workers on meal breaks on night shifts.

Working Overtime - Official Advice for Employees 

Employers don’t have to pay workers for overtime. However, employees’ average pay for the total  hours worked mustn’t fall below the National Minimum Wage. An employee’s employment  contract should usually include details of any overtime pay rates and how they’re worked out. 

Employees only have to work overtime if their contract says so. If it’s not in the contract, an  employee can agree to work longer, but this agreement must be in writing and signed by the  employee. Unless an employee’s contract guarantees them overtime, their employer can stop  them from working it. However, their employer can’t discriminate against anyone, e.g. by stopping  some employees from working overtime while letting others do so. 

Overtime must also be reasonable. Overtime can be reasonable so long as the following things  are taken into account: 

any risk to health and safety from working the extra hours 

the employee’s personal situation, including their family responsibilities the needs of the workplace 

if the employee is entitled to receive overtime payments or penalty rates for working the  extra hours 

if they are paid at a higher rate on the understanding that they work some overtime if the employee was given enough notice that they may have to work overtime if the employee has already stated they can’t ever work overtime 

the usual patterns of the work in the industry. 

Unless it says differently in a part-time worker’s employment contract, their employer will usually  only pay overtime if they work: 

longer hours than set out in the employment contract 

more than the normal working hours of full-time staff and full-time staff would get extra pay  for working these hours 

unsocial hours (eg late at night), for which full-time staff would get more pay 

Employees who work overtime have to be paid a minimum of thirty minutes of work at overtime  rates. For example, if an employee works fifteen minutes overtime, they will need to be paid for  thirty minutes. 

Normally, most workers do not have to work on average more than forty-eight hours per week  unless they agree. Even if they do agree, they have the right to opt out at any time by giving  written notice. The average working week is calculated by taking the average over a seventeen  week reference period. Workers who wish to opt out must give notice in writing of at least seven  days. A long period of notice may be agreed by the employer, but it can be no longer than three  months. 

An employee who works more than four hours of overtime on a Saturday morning has to get a  ten-minute paid break. An employee who works for five hours or more on any day must get at  least one meal break. 

Young people (sixteen and seventeen years old) cannot work more than forty hours per week and  they cannot opt out.


Read the passage and answer Questions 28-40


Most people know that lipstick has been around for quite a while, but it is less well  known that it has been is use for more than four thousand years. Lip and facial paints  go back even further, being used for various purposes and not only by women, but also  men. Hunters applied facial and lip paint as means of camouflage. Priests and religion 

related officials used it to worship their gods and honour their beliefs, and lots of people  have used it to enhance their appearance to attract the opposite sex, which is still  common today. Cosmetics, specifically lipstick, have captivated mankind since  prehistoric times, mostly due to their ability to support people’s individuality, improve  their appearance and hence boost their confidence. 

It is difficult to determine exactly who invented lipstick, but it is believed that the plant  and fruit juices applied by men and women of ancient civilizations were the  predecessors of the lipstick we know today. Not only favoured due to their appearance enhancing properties, these juices have also always been used for medicinal purposes.  Because lip tissue lacks the pigment melanin, responsible for skin colour and the  protection from ultraviolet rays, lipstick can protect the sensitive skin of lips from dry  winds, moisture and sun. From 2000 BC to 100 AD, ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt  were the centres for cosmetics to develop, amongst others lipstick and lip balms. It was  at this time that carmine became a main constituent of lipstick. This pigment is made  from crushed insects and is still used today. Only wealthy women, such as the  legendary pharaoh, Cleopatra, had access to these expensive cosmetics. 

During the European Middle Ages, lipstick experienced its lowest point in terms of  popularity. Wars, poor living and health conditions, as well as little to no advancements  in the arts and sciences eliminated lipstick from the minds of many people, who focused  primarily on the procurement of food and other survival essentials. Although cosmetics  in France still retained popularity during the Middle Ages with the moneyed classes, it  was only during the nineteenth century that they truly became publicly popular and  accessible again. It was then that, due to industrial and technological advancements,  French cosmetologists began the production of lipstick for commercial sales, which  allowed the popularity of lipstick to reappear. New inventions, such as innovate colours,  shine formulas as well as flavoured lipstick became the trends and adapted to the ever changing fashion moods, which still rule the development of new lipsticks today. 

Nowadays, common ingredients of lipstick include wax and oil, which simplify the  application process, alcohol, which is used as a solvent to dissolve these ingredients,  and finally, pigment, which ensures a wide variety of shades and colours. Some brands  even incorporate lead, which can be harmful when ingested. Furthermore,

preservatives, antioxidants and fragrance can be added, which is done in order to  ensure a longer shelf life. This can also be done by storing it in the fridge. This prolongs  the life of the lipstick in terms of delaying the degrading process of its ingredients. 

Lipstick ingredients have been under the spotlight recently, as discovered by a US  consumer group have found traces of the above-mentioned lead in several lipsticks  exceeding regulations by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In tests, FDA  scientists developed an analytical method for measuring the amount of lead in the  lipstick. Their findings confirmed that the amount of lead found in lipstick is very low and  does not pose safety concerns. This did lead through to ingredients lists being required  on lipstick packaging, much like is found on food. However, the popularity of lipstick has  not suffered. Organic lipstick is now available and lipstick remains in widespread use,  which it will presumably continue to do over the next centuries. 

The manufacturing of lipstick has unarguably changed over the last four thousand  years, but the basic formula has remained the same, both in terms of ingredients and  methods of production. When creating a new lipstick, chemists need to consider the  contemporary fashion mood. This also affects how the lipstick is presented to the public  and its appearance is contingent on the requirements of the cosmetics brands. 

A careful monitored procedure is essential in order to enhance the quality and effect of  the final lipstick product. Generally, the manufacturing process can be summarized in  six stages. In the first stage, the chosen pigment or a combination of pigments is mixed  with various types of oils. A three-roll mill then grinds every particle until its size is  minimized to at least twenty microns, one micron being one thousandth of a millimeter.  In the second stage, the pigment mixture is merged with wax, which is accomplished in  a kettle surrounded by steam and powered by a propelled agitator. Then, in order to get  rid of ‘cold-marks’, which are unwanted products of fast cooling, the heated lipstick  liquid at around eighty degrees Celsius is poured into vertical split moulds. These  usually have temperatures of around thirty-five degrees Celsius. Finally, the lipstick is  cooled down, taken out of the moulds and is prepared for flaming, a process that  involves exposing the lipstick to an open flame. This ensures the better appearance of  the lipstick and enhances its ability to protect itself from external influences such as air,  moisture or heat. The product is then ready for packaging and labeling.

Questions 28-33 

Complete each sentence with the correct ending (A-K) below. 

Write the correct letter (A-K) in answer boxes 28-33 on your answer sheet. 28 Hunters of prehistoric times applied colour to 

29 The human race has been fascinated by lipstick’s ability to 

30 Lipstick’s medicinal usefulness includes its advantage to 

31 Mesopotamia and Egypt were the first areas to 

32 Due to manufacturing progress, make-up producers in France were able to 

33 Recent findings by an American customer organization caused new official  directives to 

A ensure that the ingredients dissolve well. 

B enhance personal uniqueness and attractiveness. 

C lead to more success at work. 

D include carmine as one of lipstick’s ingredients. 

E shield the body from harmful external factors, such as natural elements. F create a shiny surface on lipstick. 

G melt the lipstick’s ingredients completely. 

H eliminate carmine as one of lipstick’s ingredients. 

I ensure that they were well concealed in their surrounding environment. J draw the public’s attention towards lipstick and what is in it. 

K reintroduce lipstick’s widespread use through producing it on a larger scale. 

Questions 34 - 36 

Answer the questions below. 

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 34 - 36 on your answer sheet. 

34 In which country in the Middle Ages were cosmetics still commonly used by the rich? 35 Where should you keep your lipstick if you want it to last for longer? 36 On whom does the distinct packaging and labeling of lipstick depend?

Questions 37 - 40 

Label the diagram below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for  each answer. 

Write your answers in boxes 37 - 40 on your answer sheet.