GTR - 13





Every autumn, when recruitment of new graduates and school leavers begin, major cities in Japan are  flooded with students hunting for a job. Wearing suits for the first time, they run from one interview to  another. The season is crucial for many students, as their whole lives may be determined during this  period. 


In Japan, lifetime employment is commonly practised by large companies. While people working in  small companies and those working for sub-contractors do not in general enjoy the advantages  conferred by the large companies, there is a general expectation that employees will infact remain more  or less permanently in the same job. 


Unlike in many Western countries where companies employ people whose skills can be effective  immediately, Japanese companies select applicants with potential who can be trained to become  suitable employees. For this reason, recruiting employees is an important exercise for companies, as  they invest a lot of time and money in training new staff. This is basically true both for factory workers  and for professionals. Professionals who have studied subjects which are of immediate use in the  workplace, such as industrial engineers, are very often placed in factories and transferred from one  section to another. By gaining experience in several different areas and by working in close contact  with workers, the engineers are believed, in the long run, to become more effective members of the  company. Workers too feel more involved by working with professionals and by being allowed to voice  their opinions. Loyalty is believed to be cultivated in this type of egalitarian working environment. 


Because of this system of training employees to be all-rounders, mobility between companies is low.  Wages are set according to educational background or initial field of employment, ordinary graduates  being employed in administration, engineers in engineering and design departments and so on. Both  promotions and wage increases tend to be tied to seniority, though some differences may arise later  on as a result of ability and business performance. Wages are paid monthly, and the net sum, after the  deduction of tax, is usually paid directly into a bank account. As well as salary, a bonus is usually paid  twice a year. This is a custom that dates back to the time when employers gave special allowances so  that employees could properly celebrate bon, a Buddhist festival held in mid-July in Tokyo, but on other  dates in other regions. The festival is held to appease the souls of ancestors. The second bonus is  distributed at New Year. Recently, bonuses have also been offered as a way of allowing workers a  share in the profits that their hard work has gained. 


Many female graduates complain that they are not given equal training and equal opportunity in  comparison to male graduates. Japanese companies generally believe that female employees will  eventually leave to get married and have children. It is also true that, as well as the still-existing belief 

among women themselves that nothing should stand in the way of child-rearing, the extended hours of  work often do not allow women to continue their careers after marriage. 


Disappointed career-minded female graduates often opt to work for foreign firms. Since most male  graduates prefer to join Japanese firms with their guaranteed security, foreign firms are often keen to  employ female graduates as their potential tends to be greater than that of male applicants. 


Some men, however, do leave their companies in spite of future prospects, one reason being to take  over the family business. The eldest sons in families that own family companies or businesses such as  stores are normally expected to take over the business when their parents retire. It is therefore quite  common to see a businessman, on succeeding to his parents' business, completely change his  professional direction by becoming, for example, a shopkeeper. 


On the job, working relationships tend to be very close because of the long hours of work and years of  service in common. Social life in fact is frequently based on the workplace. Restaurants and nomi-ya,  "pubs", are always crowded at night with people enjoying an evening out with their colleagues. Many  companies organise trips and sports days for their employees. Senior staff often play the role of mentor.  This may mean becoming involved in the lives of junior staff in such things as marriage and the  children's education. 


The average age of retirement is between 55 and 60. For most Westerners, retirement may be an  eagerly awaited time to undertake such things as travel and hobbies. Many Japanese, however, simply  cannot get used to the freedom of retirement and they look for ways of constructively using their time.  Many look for new jobs, feeling that if they do not work they will be abandoned by society. This has  recently led to the development in some municipalities of municipal job centres which advertise casual  work such as cleaning and lawn mowing. Given that Japan is facing the problem of an increasingly  ageing society, such activities may be vital in the future.

Questions 1-9 

The Reading Passage has nine paragraphs A–I. Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below. 

i how new employees are used in a company 

ii women and Japanese companies 

iii why men sometimes resign from Japanese companies iv permanency in employment in Japan 

v recruiting season: who, when and where 

vi the social aspect of work 

vii the salary structure

viii the recruitment strategy of foreign firms 

ix Japanese people after retirement 


1) Section A  

2) Section B 

 3) Section C  

4) Section D  

5) Section E 

 6) Section F

 7) Section G 

 8) Section H  

9) Section I 

Questions 10-12 

Complete the sentences below with words taken from the reading passage.  Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

10) Japanese employers believe that moving professionals within companies and listening to  workers' views leads to _____________ 

11) Employees receive their wages monthly and a bonus _____________ 

12) Japanese workers often form close personal relationships and older staff may even become  a _____________to junior staff. 

Questions 13-15 

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D. 

13) Company training in Japan 

A is not important 

B is for factory workers only 

C is for professionals only D is for all staff 

14) Foreign firms are keen to employ Japanese women because 

A the women are more intelligent than men 

B the women that apply are more capable than the men that apply C the women will be only short-term employees 

D the women prefer guaranteed security. 

15) Japanese people continue to work after retirement because 

A they need the income 

B they miss working

                      C they assist in the family business 

                       D they have no status outside employment 




Beautiful Kingsley House was built in the 18th century, and all the rooms are decorated and furnished  in the style of the time. They include the dining room, study and dressing room, which contains a display  of 18th-century ladies’ clothing. Our volunteer guides in each room bring the house to life with stories  of the past. 


The Africa Museum was founded 50 years ago, and to commemorate the event, we have chosen 50  treasures from the permanent collection and put them together to tell the fascinating story of that  continent. This exhibition continues until the end of the year. The Folk Art Gallery opens to the public  next month, exhibiting traditional paintings and other objects from all over Africa. 


From the outside, 17 Mansfield Street may not look particularly exciting, but come inside, and you'll find  yourself in a historic building that started life as a theatre, before becoming a bank and then a  restaurant, which is still in operation. On Sundays and Mondays, when the restaurant is closed, a guide  is available to show you round the building and its fascinating architectural features. 


The Industrial Heritage Centre tells the fascinating story of a local family firm. Mr John Carroll started  his engineering business in this building exactly 150 years ago. The firm closed in 1969, but the factory  has been re-created, with machines like those that Mr Carroll was familiar with. See what working life  could be like in the 19th century, a life far removed from the elegance of the wealthy. 


The Fashion Museum has only just opened. It is home to an outstanding collection of more than 30,000  objects worn by men, women and children, dating from the 17th century to the present day. You'll see  how people used to dress! As well as the permanent exhibits, you can currently see Dressing the Stars,  which displays original costumes worn by the stars of many popular films. 


Having spent the best part of two years being refurbished, the Mason Museum has recently opened its  doors again. It provides a magnificent setting for its art collection and for the beautiful 18th-century  furniture for which the Mason is famous. Open Mondays to Fridays 10-4, and weekends 10-6.

Questions 16-23 

The text above has six descriptions of places to visit in the same city, A-F. Which description mentions the following information? 

Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 1-8 on your answer sheet. 

NB You may use any answer more than once. 

16) clothes that well-known people have worn  

17) a display that cannot be seen yet  

18) people who talk in an entertaining way  

19) the museum having just reopened  

20) a building that has changed its function several times 


21) furniture of the same kind that was used when the building was new  22) being open for tours on certain days of the week  

23) a special event to mark an anniversary 


Universities in Britain 

A) Today in Britain there are 124 state universities, but only one private university - the University of  Buckingham. Before the 19th century there were only six universities: Oxford. Cambridge, Aberdeen,  Edinburgh, Glasgow and St Andrews. Universities were usually linked to the Church and were  established between the 13th and 15th centuries. They often have good reputations, beautiful old  buildings, traditions and usually offer a wide range of courses. 

B) A number of universities were established in the 19th and early 20th centuries as a result of the  industrial revolution and they began training highly skilled people for industry. These universities were  generally established in major industrial centres such as Birmingham, Manchester, Newcastle and  other big cities. Sometimes called modern or civic universities, these universities have the advantage  of well-established libraries, academic specialities and accommodation that is close to campus. These  universities are often able to provide accommodation for all first year students. 

C) A number of new universities were established in the 1960s when children born after World War 2  entered the higher education system. The government decided to expand higher education to educate  these students. The advantage of these universities is that they are well planned and most of the living  and teaching facilities are on campus.

D) Before 1992, higher education in the UK was split into polytechnics and universities. The  polytechnics provided skilled people for the industries situated in their region - they focused on  vocational and professional subjects. For many years, polytechnics didn't have the same influence as  universities. However, by 1992, educational standards in polytechnics were as good as universities and  many became universities. Many of these universities also offer diploma courses. 

E) These universities are made of several smaller colleges which come together to form a single  university under a senate committee. There are only seven of these institutions in the UK - London  University, Oxford and Cambridge are examples. Specialist colleges offer a range of courses in one  discipline - for example agriculture, music, design or medicine. Some of these colleges may only offer 

postgraduate programmes. These colleges are usually small, with a limited number of students. 

F) Universities have different locations. The older universities often have teaching facilities and student  accommodation situated close together. Students in these usually socialise in a particular part of the  city and there is a strong sense of community despite being in a large city. Some city campuses are  situated on the outskirts of the city. These very often have the space to provide sports facilities and  accommodation. They are also close enough to the city for students to enjoy city life. Some universities,  notably Oxford and Cambridge, have a collegiate structure - that is, students are members of colleges  within the university. These colleges are the centre of social life and academic life. Academic staff  usually live at the college, and students and staff enjoy easy relationships.

The Reading Passage has six paragraphs A–F. 

Choose the correct heading for each  paragraph from the list of headings below. 

24) Section A  

25) Section B  

26) Section C  

27) Section D  

28) Section E  

29) Section F  

Questions 30-33 


i Campus types 

ii Old universities 

iii Universities during the industrial revolution

 iv University colleges 

v Rising standards in higher education 

vi The second expansion 

vii Former


Answer the questions below with words taken from the Reading Passage. Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. 

30) Why were several universities established during the 19th and 20th centuries?  31) What did the government decide to do in the 1960s?  

32) What qualifications do many former polytechnics provide?  

33) What are colleges the centre of?  

Questions 34-40 

Classify the following descriptions as referring to

NB You may use any answer more than once.

 OU (old universities) 

CU (civic universities) 

NU (new universities) 

FP (former polytechnics) 

UC (university colleges) 

34) have accommodation and educational facilities on campus.  

35) provide various courses on a single subject.  

36) have lecturers and students living in  the same place.  

37) were linked to religious institutions.  

38) were built in growing cities.  

39) offer diploma courses.  

40) staff lives on campus