What is TOEFL?

TOEFL or the Test of English as a Foreign Language  is the world’s premier English test requirement for study abroad, work or immigration purposes. Similar to IELTS, TOEFL measures the English ability of an individual.

TOEFL can be paper based (PBT) or computer based (iBT). Learn more about the test.

The TOEFL  paper based test covers READING, LISTENING, WRITING and Structure and Written Expression whereas the TOEFL iBT sections include the four: LISTENING, READING, WRITING & SPEAKING. Learn more.

 Some countries provide information about where to take the test, in the Philippines for example, we have TOEFL iBT and PBT provided by ETS located in Makati.  It is easy to register for the test, however the preparation prior to taking the test will consume a lot of your time so it is better to be well prepared before taking the exam.

For those who are adept at computers, I would suggest taking TOEFL iBT and have a self- review if you do not wish to pay for a regular review schedule, You can get some FREE practice tests below.