
 SECTION 1 Questions 1 – 14 

Questions 1 – 9 

Which description includes the following information? 

Write the correct letter (A – F) in boxes 1 – 9 on your answer sheet. 

1 This place will teach you skills you enjoy the facilities. 

2 This place has something that can be visited temporarily. 3 You can get something to eat at this place. 

4 You need to be a member to take advantage of all this place’s possibilities. 5 You can watch a film at this place. 

6 This place has just reopened. 

7 Someone can show you round this place. 

8 You can go online at this place. 

9 This place has dedicated times for children.

Local Attractions to Visit 

A Caldor Castle 

Caldor Castle is a great place for both adults and children. Children can run around the site,  using their imagination to create old battles, and they can also begin to understand some  history and its significance. Adults can learn about the importance of Caldor Castle and its  varied history. See too in the dungeon the famous collection of weapons from the past.  Guided tours available at 11a.m. daily. 

B Chaffyn Beach 

Whether it’s sunny or rainy, Chaffyn Beach is a wonderful place to visit. In good weather, you can sit, sunbathe and swim or, in poor weather, it’s a great place to go for a long walk  to look at the spectacular sight of the sea, sky and rain. Just off the beach next to the car  park, there’s a snack café that serves cool or hot drinks and hot and cold meal options  every day. 

C The Motor Museum 

Here you can learn about the history of driving and cars in a variety of interactive ways.  With over 300 vehicles from the past to the present, you can see how the internal  combustion engine changed the Earth from a place reliant on the horse to the mechanized  world that we know today. Visitors will be able to enjoy a variety of the exhibits and can also  enjoy the hourly film on the history of motor transportation that’s shown in The Visitors  Centre. 

D Icicles Ice Rink 

Even if it’s summer, Icicles Ice Rink will let you practice your skating skills on their giant ice  surface. Full rental services are available for skating boots if you don’t have your own.  Icicles is open every day from nine a.m. until eleven p.m. On Saturday mornings there are  special kids’ sessions from opening time until midday. If you’ve never done it before,  coaching is available from the team of instructors. Call in advance to reserve an instructor,  as they’re always booked up. 

E The Fossil Museum 

Step back millions of years into the past at the fossil museum. Recently back in business  after renovation, the museum has a wide range of exhibits from the local area and from  different places around the world. Right now, there is a special short-term exhibit on the  famous Tyrannosaurus rex from the New York Natural History Museum. Children in  particular will be amazed at the real-life dinosaur reconstructions and descriptions of these  giant beasts. 

F The Main City Public Library 

If you fancy just some peace and quiet and an undisturbed place to find and read a book,  the Main City Public Library could be for you. With thousands of titles to find (and borrow if  you’re a registered reader), you’ll be sure of finding something of interest. DVD’s are also  available for rental for registered readers. The library also has a range of computers  connected to the internet, which anyone can use. These are not subject to reservation and  are available on a first come first served basis. Computers may be used for one hour only,  unless there is no one waiting to use one. 

Questions 10 – 14 

Complete the sentences below. 

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer. Write your answer in boxes 10 – 14 on your answer sheet. 

10 The price of discount card depends on how old applicants are, as well as on their  _____________. 

11 It’s not possible to buy a discount card from a _____________. 

12 A _____________ does not need to be supplied if the discount card is brought at  a Blue Line office. 

13 Card holders who _____________ their cards online can obtain free  replacements if the cards have been stolen. 

14 _____________ is always a good idea and not included in Blue Line vacation  offers. 

Blue Line Coaches 

Bus Discount Card 

Blue Line Coaches have buses regularly servicing the whole of Canada. If you travel a lot on your  own or with your family, you might find that our special discount card can save you lots of money. We  have thousands of people who take advantage of the discount card to travel more cheaply to visit  friends, go to sports games, go to college and g on vacation. 

Our discount card is available to anyone, though its price depends on the age and status of the  person: 

Under 18’s $50 

Under 25’s and full-time students $70 

Over 60’s $70 

Others $100 

Our discount card is valid for one year from the date of purchase, but if you know that you will be  doing lots of traveling, why not buy a three-year discount card? This costs 30% less than the cost of a  one-year card and therefore will save you up to $30! Special deals are always available for family  travel. Ask at any of our offices for our current offers. 

The discount card can be bought at any of our offices around the country or online. Please note that  you cannot buy the discount card on the buses themselves; a driver can only issue standard price  travel tickets on the buses. All applications must be accompanied with a completed application form)  also available at our offices or online) and a document that shows proof of age (for example, birth  certificate, passport or driving license). If you buy your discount card in person, you don’t need to  provide a photo, as this can be done at any of our offices. 

If you’re over 25 and a full-time student, you will need to provide proof of your current studies. This  can be either your student photo card, stamped by your place of study, or a signed letter from your  place to study, which must also be accompanied by a stamp. All Internet applications will need scans  of supporting documentation and a digital passport-style photo. 

After purchase of your discount card, we strongly recommend that you register your card online on  our website. This means that if your card is misplaced or subject to theft, it can be replaced free of  charge and others will not be able to use your missing card. Lost or misplaced cards should be  reported to the police and a report including stamp be obtained. This will help stop fraud, if people  misuse your missing card. 

Our discount card doesn’t only save money on bus travel. It can save you money with our partners  too – various sports centers, cinemas, theaters, restaurant and hotels all offer discounts on  production of your Blue Line discount card. Also, make sure you regularly visit our Rewards section  on our website, where you will find up-to-date details of special offers that can be achieve with our  discount card. 

We have recently expanded our vacation offers to include some US cities. Recent additions include  various destinations in Alaska, Chicago, Seattle, Portland, Boston and New York. Our packages  include travel, accommodations and full board. The Blue Line discount card can also be used to gain  attractive deals on selected holiday offers. See our website for current deals and special offers.  Travelers are always advised to take out appropriate insurance when going on any foreign travel.

SECTION 2 Questions 15 – 27  

Questions 15 – 21  

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text? In boxes 15 – 21 on your answer sheet write: 

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information 

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

 NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this 

15 Some stress at work can lead to improved motivation. 

16 Half of illnesses related to people’s workplace originate with stress. 

17 The strong emotional reaction produced by a significant distressing episode is  not typically a long-term phenomenon. 

18 Hayworth Industries have a local GP who will advise people on work-related  stress.  

19 People shouldn’t start doing anything new away from their place of employment if  they feel stressed, as it will overwhelm them. 

20 Hayworth Industries have stress workshops at lunchtimes, where staff can get  advice on work-related stress. 

21 Some staff at Hayworth Industries will know how to help colleagues with stress.

Hayworth Industries – Beat Stress 

Here at Hayworth Industries, we’re exceedingly proud of our workforce and everyone’s work  ethic and dedication to the company. We do recognize, however, that people sometimes  expect too much of themselves. Some pressure at one’s place of employment can act as an  incentive, but when it becomes excessive, it can eventually lead to work-related stress.  According to the government, last year 428, 000 people reported work-related stress at any  level they believed was making them ill. That’s forty per cent of all employment-related  sickness. Stress is not always work-related, but it can often affect your work. Sometimes  after experiencing a traumatic event that is especially frightening – including personal or  environmental disasters or being threatened with an assault – people have a strong and  lingering stress reaction to the event. Fierce emotions, jitters, sadness, or depression may  all be part of this normal and usually temporary reaction to the stress on an overwhelming  event.  

If you have a stress-related problem, physical activity can get you in the right state of  mind. Exercise won’t make your stress vanish, but it will reduce some of the  emotional intensity that you’re feeling, clearing your thoughts and enabling you to  deal with your problems more calmly. 

A good support network of colleagues, friends and family can ease your work  troubles and help you see things in a different way. Talking things through with a  friend or colleague will also help you find solutions to your problems.*** 

Set aside time for yourself. The extra hours in the workplace mean ha people aren’t  spending enough time doing things that they really enjoy. 

Good time management means quality work rather quantity. Working smarter means  prioritizing your work, concentrating on the tasks that will make a real difference to  your work. Leave the least important tasks to last. 

It is important to avoid unhealthy stress management. Don’t rely on alcohol, smoking  and caffeine as your ways of coping. Men more than women are likely to do this. It  might provide temporary relief, but it won’t make the problems disappear. 

Learn to recognize the physical effects of stress and do something about it before it  makes you really ill and beware of work stress spilling over into other areas of your  life. 

Setting yourself goals and challenges, whether at work or outside, such as learning a  new language or a new sport, helps to build confidence. That in turn will help you  deal with stress. By continuing to learn, you become emotionally resilient as a  person. It arms you with knowledge and makes you want to do things rather than be  passive. 

Family-related stress can be particularly distressing. This can affect you, your partner  and your children. Because of their level of development, children and adolescents  often struggle with how to cope well with stress. Youth can be particularly  overwhelmed when their stress is connected to a traumatic event like a family loss,  school problems, or violence. You might need time to take steps to provide stability  and support that help young people feel better. 

*** Whatever the source of your stress, speak to your line manager. They all have training in  assisting our workforce with any stress-related problems.

Questions 22 – 27 

Complete each sentence with the correct ending (A – I) below. 

Write the correct letter (A – I) in boxes 22 – 27 on your answer sheet. 

22 How much leave a worker is due 

23 An employee should consult his contract to see if he 

24 An employer who is given a leave request 

25 When employees are entitled to take a public holiday 

26 An employee who is working on a public holiday. 

27 Leave taken by a worker for looking after an ill son or daughter 

A is based on where the worker lives in Australia. 

B is permitted to transfer unused leave days into the next statutory leave  year. 

C is dependent on whether the worker is employed full-time or part-time. D is not influenced by whether the worker is on maternity leave or not E is obliged to make the request for leave in writing. 

F is not necessarily entitled to a better rate of pay. 

G is allowed to refuse it if he provides the right amount of notice. H is part of the worker’s leave allowance 

I is always paid a preferential rate.

Australian Leave Entitlement 

Employees can take leave or holiday for many reasons, including to go on a vacation, take  advantage of a national holiday, because they are sick, or to take care of sick family members. 

Annual Leave 

Annual leave begins to build up as soon as a worker starts their job. An employer must usually  tell their staff the dates of their statutory leave year as soon as they start working, e.g. it might  run from 1 January to 31 December. Workers must take their statutory leave during this time.  The leave year and leave entitlement is not affected by new parent or adoption leave; the  employee still builds u holiday over these periods. If a worker does not take all his/her leave  days owed to him/her in his/her leave year, he/she may be able to carry the leave over to the  next year. How much leave a worker can carry over should be in the worker’s contract. The  general notice period for taking leave is at least twice as long as the amount of leave a worker  wants to take (e.g. 2 days’ notice for 1 days’ leave), unless the contract says something  different. An employer can turn down a leave request, but they must give as much notice as  the amount of leave request. If a worker has taken more leave than they’re entitled to, their  employer must not take money from their final pay unless it’s been agreed beforehand in  writing. The rules in this situation should be outlined in the employment contract, company  handbook or intranet site. During their notice period the worker may be able to take whatever is  left of their statutory annual leave. The only time someone can get paid in place of taking  statutory leave (known as ‘payment in lieu’) is when they leave their job. Employers must pay  for untaken statutory leave (even if the worker is dismissed for gross misconduct). 

Public Holidays 

Public holidays can be different depending on the state or territory you work in. It’s important to  know when public holidays are, because employees can get different entitlement on these  days. An employee is entitled to public holidays depending on where they are based for work,  not where they are working on the day of the public holiday. Employees get paid at least their  base pay rate for all hours worked on a public holiday. Whether extra pay is due to a worker  depends on the worker’s contract, but this is not guaranteed. Employees don’t have to work on  a public holiday; however, an employer can ask an employee to work on a public holiday, if the  request is reasonable. An employee may refuse a request to work if they have reasonable  grounds. 

Sick and Carer’s Leave 

Sick and carer’s leave (also known as personal leave or personal/carer’s leave) lets an  employee take time off to help them deal with personal illness, caring responsibilities and  family emergencies. You’re allowed a reasonable amount of time off to deal with the  emergency, but there’s no set amount of time as it depends on the situation. Sick leave can be  used when an employee is ill or injured. An employee may have to take time off to care for an  immediate family or household member who is sick or injured or help during a family  emergency. This is known as carer’s leave, but it comes out of the employee’s persona leave  balance. There are no limits on how many times you can take time off for dependents. Your  employer may want to talk to you if they think time off is affecting your work. If employees  aren’t given time off for dependants, their employer may allow them ‘compassionate leave’ – this can be paid or unpaid leave for emergency situations. Employees should check their  employment contracts, company handbook or intranet for details about compassionate leave. 


SECTION 3 Questions 28 – 40 

Questions 28 – 35 

The text on the following pages has 8 paragraphs (A – H). 

Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below. Write the correct number, i - x, in boxes 28 – 35 on your answer sheet. i Initial Discovery rejected 

ii Ancient Use 

iii Manufacture 

iv A Dangerous Precedent 

v Aspirin Proved as a Heart Dru 

vi Unreliable Approaches to Research 

vii Side Effects 

viii Further Research Uncovers New Uses 

ix Extra Funding Allocated 

x Limitations

28 Paragraph A 

29 Paragraph B 

30 Paragraph C 

31 Paragraph D 

32 Paragraph E 

33 Paragraph F 

34 Paragraph G 

35 Paragraph H 

The History of Aspirin 

Paragraph A 

The Assyrians of the Sumerian period and the Egyptians of the same time recorded that  willow could be used to alleviate pain. Of course, these observations were made long  before the advent of modern evidence-based medicine, and therefore the use of willow  in early medicine had its foundation in observational or anecdotal evidence. Although  physicians from these times had no way of understanding the mechanism by which  willow bark might relieve pain, this lack of understanding did not stop them from  prescribing this relatively safe and helpful herbal remedy. 

Paragraph B 

In 1897, Felix Hoffman, a German chemist researching for a major pharmaceutical  company, was able to modify salicylic acid to create acetylsalicylic acid, which was  named aspirin. The company initially was not impressed with aspirin as a useful drug,  preferring to explore the use of heroin as a cough remedy. Eventually, aspirin was more  fully researched and its efficacy as a pain reliever was proved and then marketed. In  this manner, an incident herbal remedy became the wonder drug, aspirin. 

Paragraph C 

In the second half of the twentieth century, more scientific investigation led to reports  that daily, low doses of aspirin could prevent heart attack and stroke. This finding was  first reported by Lawrence Craven, a suburban general practitioner in Glendale,  California. Unfortunately, Craven’s work and analysis went largely unnoticed, and  decades passed before his observations were verified by clinical trials. The cause of  heart attack was a topic of particular interest to Dr. Craven. He was not a formally  trained scientist, but he knew his limitations. Indeed, some of the most remarkable  aspects of his papers are his humility and his repeated warnings that more rigorous  scientific studies had to be conducted to prove his hypotheses. Despite the absence of  control groups, Craven’s studies had their basis in sound reasoning and in the  observation of large numbers of patients. 

Paragraph D 

Craven’s lack of rigor and scientific method led to his published papers going largely  unnoticed and decades passed before his observations were verified by clinical trial.  Most of Craven’s writing is speculative and descriptive, lacking any statistics or formal  presentation of data. Another reason why Craven’s assertions were not taken seriously  was that he published his papers in journals that were not respected by the scientific  community. 

Paragraph E 

Since the publication of Craven’s clinical observations, hundreds of clinical trials have  tested aspirin’s ability to prevent cardiovascular events, and it is now accepted that  aspirin can prevent both coronary thrombosis and strokes. The later research studied  how aspirin can reduce the risk of blood clots by stopping the part of blood known as  platelets from sticking together. Usually, platelets sticking together is a positive thing, as it stops people losing blood when they cut themselves. When it happens inside the  body, it can cause a coronary thrombosis or stroke.  

Paragraph F 

Dr. Craven’s observations suggested that aspirin completely prevented the chance of a  heart attack. However, clinical trials have shown that, while aspirin significantly reduces  the risk of heart attacks and strokes, it clearly is not universally protective. Craven  himself recommended aspirin for heart attack prevention in men between forty-five and  sixty-five, who were overweight and sedentary, factors known to lead to heart attacks.  All of Craven’s study patients were men, because part of his hypotheses was based on  his observation that more men than women were suffering from heart attacks. Also,  although aspirin may be effective in preventing a stroke, it is important not to take  aspirin when having a stroke. This is because strokes can have different causes. If a  stroke is caused because of a blood clot in the brain, an aspirin may help. Some  strokes, however, are caused by a burst blood vessel in the brain and this bleeding may  get worse if an aspirin is taken due to its blood-thinning properties. 

Paragraph G 

Aspirin is generally a very safe drug. Like many drugs taken orally, it can cause some  gastrointestinal irritation, but this is usually avoided if it is taken with food. It can also  cause nausea, vomiting, heartburn and rashes, though these reactions are all fairly rare.  High doses of aspirin can also cause temporary hearing loss or a ringing in the ears, but  this usually only occurs with large doses and is rare in any treatments with low doses.  Of course, the one reason why aspirin is so effective with helping people ward off heart  attacks and strokes is that it thins the blood. It should therefore not be taken if someone is having an operation, as any opening of the skin will bleed more freely than usual.  Children should not usually take aspirin. It can help in some rare conditions, but  potential risks to children’s metabolism have forced doctors to only use it sporadically. 

Paragraph H 

Aspirin’s chemical name is acetylsalicylic acid. It is made today by placing acetic  anhydride and toluene in a mixing tank, before transferring the mixture to a reaction  chamber, where salicylic acid is added and he chamber heated. After the chemical  reaction has taken place, the mixture is cooled before filtration occurs. The exiting  product is acetylsalicylic acid, which can be converted to the form of aspirin that is  required. Residue from filtration can be treated for a short while, before it can again be  re-used in the process.

Questions 36 – 38 

Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer of the text? In boxes 36 – 38 on your answer sheet write: 

YES if the statement agrees with the writer’s views

 NO if the statement doesn’t agree with the writer’s views 

NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this 

36 Aspirin is more effective for a certain target age group. 37 Craven was annoyed by the initial lack of acceptance of his theories. 38 Aspirin is a useful first response for someone suffering from a stroke.

Questions 39 and 40 

Label the diagram below. 

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 39 and 40 on your answer sheet. 

Aspirin Production 

Acetic anhydride 


Tank 39___________ __ 


The 40 _____________ can be  

Recycled and reused 





