GTR - 11

Section 1  

Read the passage below and answer the questions 1-13 that follow. 


Travel Insurance. 

Don't let anything spoil your fun! Your vacation is all about exploring, adventure and fun.  You want to see new places and try new things. 

The Youth Adventure Package is an affordable just in case' backup plan, so you aren't hit  with unexpected medical costs while on the adventure of a lifetime. You'll be a long way  from home. If you have an unexpected illness or, accidental injury, we’ll be there to help  and ensure you get the care you need. 

Our emergency travel assistance services are available from anywhere in the world at any  time of the day or night 

Even for young healthy travellers, sickness or accidental injury can happen at any time.  Charges for hospital stays can be thousands of dollars per day not including doctors' fees  and diagnostic services. This easily adds up to a devastating financial loss. You are on  the adventure of a lifetime and don't want to be burdened with a medical bill or to pay for  lost or stolen luggage. 

Travel insurance is intended to cover sudden, unexpected and unforeseeable  circumstances. Your plan is comprised of 4 different coverages. For more information,  please read the Benefits under each 

The Youth Adventure Package does not cover everything. This insurance has some  exclusions. You should read and understand them before you travel. Prior-existing medical  conditions may be excluded. Any medical condition you are aware of prior to the effective  date of coverage, whether diagnosed or not, may not be covered. Sickness or accidental  injury that occurs as a result of the use of alcohol or illegal drugs is not covered. 

We are dedicated to protecting you privacy. Your medical history will be collected when  required and will only be used or disclosed for the purpose of adjudicating the claim. 

Yes you can. Just call your agent no sooner than 7 days prior to the expiry of your policy.  You can purchase an extension if you are in good health and have not filed any claims on  the policy. 

You are covered for any country outside of the USA. However, transit for 5 days only is  allowed through the USA

GTR - 11

Questions 1-5 

Which accommodation would you choose for each of the requirements below? Choose  the correct letter (A-E) from the list above. 

A Ocean rest Motel at Sea Bay $205 per person (twin share) 

B The Ferry hotel in Clifton for $211 per person (twin share) 

C Sea breeze hotel at Seal Bay for $252 per person (including full breakfast) 

D Island Escape Lodge at French River for $314 per person (twin share), water view, includes continental breakfast. 

E Sanctuary Beach self-contained cables for  

1. You want accommodation close to the ferry boat terminal. 

2. You are looking for the least expensive place to stay. 

3. You have heard that the best spots are on the south coast. 

4. You want to be sure to have a good view from your room. 

5. You like the idea of a big breakfast.

Questions 6-10 

Look at the travel insurance notice on the following page. Choose the most suitable  heading for each of the Frequently Asked Questions (B-F) from the list (i-x) below 


i Do I have to reveal my medical history? 

ii Does the plan cover lost luggage? 

iii If I want to stay longer can i extend my policy? 

iv Can I travel anywhere in the world? 

v What is not covered? 

vi What if I have an emergency or claim? 

vii How much will it cost? 

viii Why do I need travel insurance? example 

ix Can I buy insurance after I have begun my travels? 

x In what situations am I covered when travelling? 


Part A viii 

6. Part B 

7. Part C 

8. Part D 

9. Part E 

10.Part F 

Questions 11-13 

Look at the travel insurance notice on the following page. 

Using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage answer each of these  questions. 

11.What item is covered in addition to health and medical expenses 12.In what situation is accidental injury not covered? 

13.What is special about the coverage for the United States?


Read the passage below and answer the questions 14-27 that follow 


Have you always wanted to learn to dive? 

Getting a Diving Certificate will be one of the most exciting experiences of your life as  you learn how to explore a new world underwater! 

Here's the 10-step path to becoming a certified diver: 

STEP 1: Decide you really want to do it. 

STEP 2: Find a dive store and dive instructor you like. 

STEP 3: Discuss how you will complete your open-water certification: meeting weekly for  classroom and pool sessions, weekend classes, home study, class trip for your open water dives, and more. 

STEP 4: With your instructor, decide on a plan that best fits your schedule. 

STEP 5: Put on a mask, a snorkel and a pair of fins. These are the basic items of personal  equipment that need to be fitted to you by a dive store professional. 

For reasons of safety and comfort, we recommend that you buy dive equipment only at a  dive store. 

STEP 6: Be enthusiastic. An important part of your training involves going back to the  classroom and learning about the dive environment, physics and safety practices. 

STEP 7: Get wet! Your first dives will take place in a swimming pool. Be prepared for your  first breath on a regulator (breathing apparatus) under water! 

STEP 8: Go diving your open-water training dives provide the opportunity to practise the  skills you learned in your classroom and pool work! 

STEP 9: Use your 'C-card' now that you’re a certified diver! Only card-carrying divers can  buy scuba life-support equipment. We also encourage you to begin right now selecting  your personal equipment, especially a regulator, buoyancy compensator and dive  computer. Having your own equipment will make you safer and more comfortable under  water. 

STEP 10: Go for more. Your certification is really just the beginning. You still need to serve  a diving internship with your instructor and other experienced divers. Sign up for more  training or dives under supervision as soon as you can


It’s natural to be scared at first, but statistics show scuba diving is not particularly  dangerous. It is estimated that there are 2.4 million divers and 17 million dives made in  the U.S. per year. Divers Alert Network, the leading safety organisation for divers.  Reported only 85 fatalities in the past year. Most of us find that as our ability increases,  our fears decrease. The risks in scuba diving, while real, can all be reduced significantly  by what you do for your own safely. Here are some of the most common fears of new  scuba divers. 

It’s understandable if you mistrust your scuba regulator. But mechanical failure of your  breathing equipment is highly unlikely. A regulator is simple, strong and designed so that  if it does fail, it delivers more air than you need, not less. You will also have an extra  breathing system, and so will your diving buddy. Keep an eye on your air gauges and  time. If you are running out of air you will find that you have to suck harder to breathe. You  will still have time to ascend slowly, even if you have to hold your breath. If you stay above  60 feet and stay out of caves and wrecks — good advice for all new divers — there is no  reason to be afraid of running out of air under water. 

“The bends’* is the decompression sickness most people associate with diving, but in fact  it is almost preventable. Divers most often get the bends by going too deep and coming  up too quickly. It is not a serious risk if you stay above 60 feet. A safety stop of three  minutes at 15 feet is a wise precaution. Cases of the bends do occur rarely, but the  sickness is normally treatable. 

Most fish ignore you or swim away. They have very narrow diets and eat only what they  are accustomed to; however, sometimes sharks have been known to make attacks on  humans. Even here, there is evidence that the shark mistakes a human for his regular  meal, a seal or sea-lion, and shark attacks are very rare. In the presence of sharks, remain  calm. Don't annoy sharks by poking at them. Almost all fish will leave you alone if you do  the same to them. 

Fear can sometimes overwhelm the intellect and leaves some people paralysed. The best  prevention is training. You will be taught the correct response to danger. When you  practise the response, it will be there when you need it. When you know just what to do,  you're much less likely to lose self-control. And experience — simply diving again and  again — reduces the general anxiety level that is natural when diving is still new. When  you realise you are not helpless, your fears are likely to disappear. 

Questions 14-19 

Using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS FROM THE PASSAGE answer the following  questions. 

14.What THREE pieces of personal equipment do you need to buy before starting the  course? 

15.Why should you buy your equipment from a dive store? 

16.Name ONE topic studied in the classroom. 

17.What must you show before being allowed to buy scuba diving equipment? 18.What thing can make you feel more comfortable and safer by possessing it? 19.What thing do you need to do with instructor and other experienced divers after  being certified? 

Questions 20-23 

The passage Fear No More’ on the next page has 5 paragraphs (A-E). Choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs B to E from the list (i-ix) below. 


i If panic 

ii If you get lost 

iii be trapped 

iv I won’t be able to swim 

v get the bends 

vi I won’t be able to see 

vii If get eaten 

viii If run out of air 

EXAMPLE: (ix) Diving statistics 

20.Paragraph B 

21.Paragraph C 

22.Paragraph D 

23.Paragraph E 

Questions 23 – 27 

Complete the notes below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the  passage for each answer. 

Dive with a buddy. 

Check your gauges so you don’t run out of air. 

Dive no deeper than 24____ _____ until you feel comfortable. 

Don’t as mind 25____ ___ make a 3-minute safety stop at 15 feet. If you see a shark 26___ _____; Avoid splashing, kicking or poking at fish. Visualise emergencies and 27____ ___ - your responses. Experience gives you  confidence.

Section 3  

Read the passage below and answer the Questions 28-40 that follow


Slow Food is an international grass roots movement dedicated to preserving the cultural  heritage of good food. It started as a humorous protest against the spread of 7 fast food  around the world and has developed into a major advocate for the world's unique food  products. The movement's logo is a snail. Since being founded in 1986 the Slow Food  snail has crept from its home in Italy to 45 other countries around the world and now boasts  over 650,000 members. The movement challenges the loss of flavour resulting from  the industrialisation of food and agriculture. Its approach is 'eco-gastronomic'. Slow Food  is committed to compiling and distributing information about local foods, drink and culture.  Its purpose is to preserve endangered foods, encourage bio-diversity, and support small 

scale producers of ethnic and local products around the world. 

Modern agri-business has given the world cheap food with little taste, produced at a high  cost to the environment. Slow Food has been instrumental in developing initiatives to  revive products that take time and craftsmanship to create and which are threatened by  global corporate practices. Protecting traditional local products also means safeguarding  the people and ecosystems involved in their manufacture. It also provides incentives for  the pursuit of production methods which are healthier for taste, the environment and the  agricultural economy. 

Statistics on the loss of biodiversity in our food chain are alarming. In less than a century  over 300,000 plant species have disappeared — one plant species disappears every six  hours. Today less than 30 varieties of plant feed 95% of the world's population. In Europe,  half the breeds of domestic livestock became extinct during the course of the twentieth  century. The crisis over mad cow disease and the ongoing debate over genetically  modified food have given Slow Food, with its emphasis on organic methods, unexpected  political influence. 

In the space of a few years, Slow Food has become a major lobbying force in the European  Union on agriculture and trade policy. Agri-business practices that have become  dominant worldwide are geared to production in quantity. This is a carryover from  agricultural policies set in the 1950s in Europe, when hunger from the war was still a vivid  memory. At that time, when the goal was self-sufficiency, farmers received subsidies  according to the amounts they produced. There was and still is no reward for quality. Two  generations ago, the average European family spent about one half of its income on food.  Today it spends about 15 per cent. Surveys conducted by Slow Food show that a large  majority of Italians would be willing to pay up to 20 per cent more for food in order to  guarantee its quality, especially given recent food scares and scandals.

As national boundaries disappear in Europe and become more open around the world,  food has emerged as an important source of identity. Slow Food's position on globalisation  is that it has the potential to help as well as harm the small food producer. On the one  hand, globalisation has allowed multinational corporations to extend their reach to virtually  every comer of the world. However, rather than being afraid of the fast food giants, Slow  Food is attempting to offer an alternative choice of "virtuous globalisation" by choosing to  focus on quality and helping the small, local producer to access the global market. 

The Slow Food organisation had to find ways to ensure its own economic viability. An initial  strategy to generate income through publishing led to a number of food guides that were  quickly successful some of the most popular of these feature restaurants serving  authentic, local foods at local prices. Numerous and varied initiatives have sprung up  since. The popular quarterly magazine, 'SLOW', features articles about food culture  around the world. Italy's largest food show, the 'Salon de Gusto', sponsored by the  Slow Food movement, provides an international market to hundreds of small producers  whose goods, until recently, rarely left their village or region. Now there is even 'slow  travel'. A growing number of tour operators in Italy, France, Australia and India subscribe  to the movement, promoting "cultural and educational journeys using food and the people  that produce it as the learning medium." 'Slow cities' are entire communities dedicated to  improving the quality of life for their citizens through environmentally sound, culturally aware, eco-gastronomic policies and activities. 

Another significant initiative of Slow Food is the Ark of Taste, a database of endangered  species of edible plants and domestic animals worldwide. Commissions have been set up  in many countries to seek out and catalogue new products. So far, 800 products from 26  countries have been figuratively brought on board the Ark in an attempt to save them. The  Ark of Taste has become an international project and a resource for agricultural  biodiversity around the world. 

So, a movement that began as a humorous protest against fast food has, in its own organic  way, evolved into a versatile and intelligent advocate for the protection of the environment.  The best response to global forces challenging the ability to enjoy our food and our lives  begins, according to the Slow Food movement, 'at the table'. We are invited to slow down,  appreciate the flavours of food and drink, and cultivate the art of living. Fast food isn't likely  to disappear, but Slow Food seems to be here to stay as well. Its message is getting  through — encouraging a pleasure-loving environmentalism as an alternative to the high 

speed pace of the fast-food world. From its humble beginnings, Slow Food now includes  a global network of people capable of generating ideas, and programs to defend the right  to a responsible form of pleasure, respectful of cultural diversity and available to all.

Questions 28 – 31 

The passage “Slew Food’ has 8 paragraphs (A-H). In which paragraph can the  information below be found? 

28. A catalogue of domestic animal* at risk of disappearing 

29. Statistics on the loss of variety in agricultural species 

30. Initiatives to ensure the financial survival of the organization 

31. Information on the food budget of an average family 

Questions 32 

Which of the following does the Slow Food Movement NOT promote? The first one has  been done for you. Indicate the letters of the remaining TWO

A. Old-fashioned cooking methods 

B. Genetically modified foods 

C. Endangered species of edible plants 

D. Junk food culture  

E. The enjoyment of good food and drink 

F. High yield industrial fanning 

G. Rare local domestic animals 

H. Organic methods of production 

Questions 33-38 

Choose ONE phrase from the list (A-H) that matches each of the expressions below.  There are more phrases than expressions so you will not use all of them. The first one  has been done for you as an example 

33. Slow travel                                          36. Salon de Gusto 

34. Ark of Taste                                         37. Agri-business 

35. Virtuous globalisation                         38. SLOW 


A a resource for agricultural biodiversity 

B a showcase for Italian food products 

C a database of Slow Food members 

D helping local producers compete in the international market E published four times a year 

F operates in Europe, Asia and Australia 

G promotes protection of the environment and good eating 

H produces food using industrial methods 

Questions 39-40 

Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the  passage. 

39. Following which crisis did the Slow Food movement become a political force?

40. This movement was started as a reaction against what?