IELTS Writing Task 1 Sample Essay: UK School Spending in 1981, 1991 & 2001

IELTS Writing Task 1 Sample Essay: UK School Spending in 1981, 1991 & 2001

 The three pie charts below show the changes in annual spending by a particular UK school in 1981, 1991 and 2001.

The pie charts illustrate changes in a UK's school expenditure further categorized into teachers' salaries, furniture and equipment, resources, insurance and other workers' salaries in 3 particular years mainly 1981, 1991 and 2001.

Overall, the school's expenditure vary with each year given with a noticeable huge expense on teachers' salaries that is common to all. While the expenditure on insurance steadily increased in the particular years, the opposite happened to the expenditure on other workers' salaries.

Teachers' salaries occupied the highest percentage of expenses recorded particularly in the year 1991 with 50% followed 45% in the year 2001 and the least in 1981. Other teachers' salaries came next in the overall expenditure of a school in a decreasing trend from 28% in 1981 down to 22% in 1991 and lastly 15% in 2001 while insurance occupied the least percentage of expenditure among the four categories in an increasing manner with only 2% in 1981, 3 % in 1991 and 8% in 2001.

Word count : 160 words