IELTS Essay Writing Techniques

For first time IELTS takers, published books by authorized agencies are highly recommended so that you can get a valid information related to the test and sample essays to model before you see other essays. Follow these helpful tips.

  1. Read books on IELTS preferably Cambridge so you have an idea on each test category and how it is conducted.
  2. Try and write your own essay based on your own understanding of one source of book
  3. Once you are done with your own essay with your own style, try and compare it with other essay samples written by different authors. This time, you might be able to differentiate your own writing style from others. As long as the idea does not change, your work is fine. There is no single correct way to write anyway.
  4. Have your essay checked by those who have deep understanding of the IELTS Test and those who got high scores if you can find any, or those who have trained with the IELTS test.
  5. Read for additional information or for any updates. Read for more vocabulary practice. It helps!:)