GTR - 07

 GTR - 07 


Read the text below and answer Questions 1-6.


Need a break? Choose from these three wonderful holidays!

Holiday location 


Number  of  


Daily meals  

included in  






Mountain Lodge 

A unique  

wilderness retreat  on the edge of the  World Heritage 

listed National Park  and only 5 km from  the sea



mountain buffet  breakfast plus  

free soft drinks  always available

free canoeing 

free talks in the  evening 

free open-air  tennis courts 


optional extra

Self-drive auto 1 hour 15  

minutes or bus  three  




Pelican Resort 

a true coral island  right on the Great  Barrier Reef 

swim straight from  the beach



hot breakfast  

plus beach picnic  lunch plus set 

4-course dinner

refurbishment: resort will close  for May 

free minibus  

trip around  


plane flights to  Wilson Island  only $50

1/2 hour by  


Cedar Lodge 

a blend of casual  sophistication and  rich rainforest  

ambience for those  over 25



tropical breakfast 

picnic lunch - 

optional extra

oldest living  


free bikes and  tennis courts; horse-riding  


10 mins by  


GTR - 07

Questions 1-3 

Look at the three holidays, A, B and C, on page 104. 

For which holiday are the following statements true? 

Write the correct letter, A, B or C, in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet. 1 This holiday doesn’t cater for young children. 

2 This holiday provides a tour at no extra cost. 

3 This holiday involves most travel time from the airport. 

Questions 4-6 

Answer the questions below. 

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 4-6 on your answer sheet. 

4 When will one of the holiday locations not be open? 

5 Which two outdoor activities are provided at no extra cost at Mountain Lodge? 6 What is the fastest way to travel to Mountain Lodge?

GTR - 07

Read the text below and answer Questions 7-14. 


At this College we recommend the Multiplan policy. 

Travel insurance requirements 

As this course includes a total of three months’ travel outside Australia, travel insurance  is compulsory. If you are sick or have an accident in Australia, your medical bills will be  fully covered - however, you cannot assume that everything will be covered overseas,  so please read the following requirements carefully. 

1 Medical 

Australia has reciprocal medical arrangements with the governments of the eight  nations you will be visiting. This arrangement will cover all emergency hospital  treatment. However, students will have to take out insurance such as Multiplan to  cover the costs of all visits to doctors, and other non-emergency medical  situations. 

If you have a serious accident or illness, Multiplan insurance will cover the cost of  your flight back to Australia, if required. Depending on the circumstances, this  may also pay for either medical personnel or a family member to accompany you  home. Multiplan insurance may not cover all pre-existing medical conditions - so  before you leave be sure to check with them about any long-term illnesses or  disabilities that you have. 

If you do require medical treatment overseas, and you want to make a claim on  your insurance, the claim will not be accepted unless you produce both your  student card and your travel insurance card. 

2 Belongings 

The Multiplan policy covers most student requirements. In particular, it provides  students with luggage insurance. This covers any loss or theft of your everyday  belongings. For example, this insurance covers: 

the present value of items that are stolen - provided that you have purchase  receipts for every item; if no receipts, no payment can be made 

portable computers and CD players, if you specifically list them as items in the  policy 

3 Cancellation 

This insurance covers any non-refundable deposit and other costs you have paid  if you have to cancel due to ‘unforeseen or unforeseeable circumstances outside  your control’. It does not provide cover if you change your study or travel plans  for other reasons.

GTR - 07

Questions 7-14 

Classify the following events as being 

A covered by government arrangements 

B covered by the Multiplan policy 

C not covered by the Multiplan policy 

D covered in some situations 

Write the correct letter, A, B, C or D, in boxes 7-14 on your answer sheet. 7 A student travelling overseas suddenly needs hospital treatment. 8 A student consults a doctor regarding a minor problem while abroad. 9 A parent goes overseas to bring an injured or sick student to Australia. 10 A student is treated overseas for an illness he/she had before leaving Australia. 11 A student who requires medical treatment has lost his/her travel insurance card. 12 A student’s study books are lost. 

13 A student’s laptop is stolen. 

14 A student changes his/her mind about plans to study and decides not to take the  booked flight.


Read the text below and answer Questions 15-20. 

Kenichi Software: security guidelines for staff 


It is in everyone’s interest to maintain a  high level of security in the workplace.  You should immediately challenge any  

person who appears to be on the  premises without proper authorisation,  or inform a senior member of staff about  any odd or unusual activity. 

Company Property 

You are advised that it is within the  company’s legal rights to detain any  person on the grounds that they may be  involved in the unauthorized removal of  company property. The company reserves the right to search staff  members leaving or entering the  premises and to inspect any article or  motor vehicle on company property. It is  a condition of employment that you  submit to such action if requested. 

It is in your own interest to ensure that  you have proper authority before  removing any item of company property  from a company building. Any member  found removing company property from  the building without proper authority will  be subject to disciplinary action. 

Identity Badges 

You will be issued with an identity  badge, which should be worn at all  times when you are on company  premises. The purpose of these badges  is to safeguard our security. Badges are  

issued by Human Resources, and  contractors and people visiting the  company on a one-off basis are also  obliged to wear them. 

Confidential Matters 

In the course of your work you may  have access to information relating to  the company’s business, or that of a  supplier or customer. Such material,  even where it appears comparatively  trivial, can have a serious effect on the  company, supplier or costumer if it falls  into the wrong hands. It is, therefore,  essential that you should at all times be  aware of the serious view the company  would take of disclosure of such  material to outsiders. 

You must treat as confidential all  information, data, specifications,  drawings and all documents relating to  the company’s business and/or its  trading activities, and not divulge, use,  or employ them except in the company’s  service. Before you leave the company,  you must hand over to your manager all  private notes relevant to the company’s  business, activities, prices, accounts,  costs etc. Legal proceedings may be  initiated for any misuse or unauthorized  disclosure of such confidential  information, whether during employment  or afterwards.

GTR - 07 Questions 15-20 

Complete the sentences below. 

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 15-20 on your answer sheet. 

15 If you see anything suspicious, you should report it to a __________ employee. 16 If the company wants to stop you and __________ you, you have to agree to it. 

17 If you take things belonging to the company without permission, you will face  ____________. 

18 Staff, ___________ and visitors must all wear a badge on company premises. 19 You must not pass on confidential information to ___________. 

20 If you leave the company, you have to hand in any __________ you have made  on matters concerning the company.

GTR - 07 Read the text below and answer Questions 21-27 

Is Everyone Entitled To Paid Holidays? 

The Working Time Regulations (WTRs) introduced a new right to paid holidays for  most workers. However, some workers were not covered when the WTRs came into  force in October 1998. Since the regulations were amended, with effect from 1 August  2003, the majority of these workers have been entitled to paid holidays, and since 1  August 2004 the regulations have also applied to junior doctors. 

Workers who qualify are entitled to no fewer than four weeks of paid holiday a year,  and public holidays (normally eight days in England and Wales) count towards this.  However, workers and employers can agree longer holidays. 

For the first year of work, special accrual rules apply. For each month of employment,  workers are entitled to one twelfth of the annual holiday. After the first year of  employment, you can take your holiday entitlement at any time, with your employer’s  approval. 

Before taking holidays, you must give your employer notice of at least twice the length  of the holiday you want to take: for instance, to take a five-day holiday, you must give  at least ten days’ notice. If your employer does not want you to take that holiday, they  can give you counter-notice equal to the holiday - for example, five days’ notice not to  take a five-day holiday. 

If the employer wants you to take holiday at a given time, e.g. when there is a  shutdown at the same time every year; they must give you notice of at least twice the  length of the holiday. There is no right for the worker to take that holiday at a different  time. 

Holiday cannot be carried over to the next year, unless your contract of employment  allows this to happen. Nor can you be paid in lieu of your holiday. However, when you  leave the job, you are entitled to receive payment for any outstanding holiday,  provided your contract specifically allows for this. 

It may be that your contract gives you better rights, or your holiday rights might be  specified in a collective agreement. Your union representative can advise you on this.

GTR - 07 Questions 21-27 

Answer the questions below. 

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the text for each  answer. 

Write your answers in boxes 21-27 on your answer sheet. 

21 In what year were the regulations extended to cover most of the workers who  were originally excluded? 

22 What is the minimum annual paid holiday which workers are entitled to? 

23 During a worker’s first year of employment, what proportion of their annual  holiday does a month’s work give? 

24 What can an employer give a worker to stop them taking holiday that they have  requested? 

25 What is given as a possible reason for an employee having to take a holiday at a  certain time? 

26 When an employee leaves their job, what should be given in place of any  holiday they have not taken? 

27 Apart from a contract, what type of document may set out an employee’s holiday  rights?


Questions 28-33 

The text on pages 113 and 114 has eight sections, A-H

Choose the correct heading for sections C-H from the list of headings below. Write the correct number, i-xi, in boxes 28-33 on your answer sheet. List of Headings 

 i Where to buy the best Echinacea 

 ii What ‘snake oil’ contained 

 iii Growing Echinacea 

 iv How to use the Echinacea plant 

 v Earlier applications of Echinacea 

 vi The origins of the term ‘snake oil’ 

 vii Early research into the effectiveness of Echinacea 

 viii How ‘snake oil’ was first invented 

 ix The use of Echinacea in new locations 

 x Modern evidence of the effectiveness of Echinacea  xi Early kinds of ‘snake oil’ 

Examples Answers 

Section A vi 

Section B xi

28 Section

29 Section

30 Section

31 Section

32 Section

33 Section

GTR - 07 Snake Oil 

A Back in the days of America’s Wild West, when cowboys roamed the range and  people were getting themselves caught up in gunfights, a new phrase - ‘snake oil’  - entered the language. It was a dismissive term for the patent medicines, often  useless, sold by travelling traders who always claimed miraculous cures for  everything from baldness to snakebite. 

Selling ‘snake oil’ was almost as risky a business as cattle stealing; you might be  run out of town if your particular medicine, as you realised it would, failed to live  up to its claims. Consequently, the smarter ‘snake oil’ sellers left town before  their customers had much chance to evaluate the ‘cure’ they had just bought. 

B The remarkable thing about many of the medicines dismissed then as ‘snake oil’  is not so much that they failed to live up to the outrageous claims made for them  - those that weren’t harmless coloured water could be positively dangerous.  What’s remarkable is that so many of these claims made for some of these  remedies, or at least their ingredients, most of them plant based, have since  been found to have at least some basis in fact. 

One, Echinacea, eventually turned out to be far more potent than even its original  promoter claimed. Echinacea first appeared in ‘Meyer’s Blood Purifier’, promoted  as a cure-all by a Dr H.C.F. Meyer - a lay doctor with no medical qualifications. ‘Meyer’s Blood Purifier’ claimed not only to cure snakebite, but also to eliminate a  host of other ailments. 

C Native to North America, the roots of Echinacea, or purple coneflower, had been  used by the Plains Indians for all kinds of ailments long before Meyer came  along. They applied poultices of it to wounds and stings, used it for teeth and  gum disease and made a tea from it to treat everything from colds and measles  to arthritis. They even used it for snakebite. 

D Settlers quickly picked up on the plant’s usefulness but until Meyer sent samples  of his ‘blood purifier’ to John Lloyd, a pharmacist, it remained a folk remedy.  Initially dismissing Meyer’s claims as nonsense, Lloyd was eventually converted  after a colleague, John King, tested the herb and successfully used it to treat bee  stings and nasal congestion. 

E As modern antibiotics became available, the use of Echinacea products declined  and from the 1940s to the 1970s it was pretty much forgotten in the USA. It was  a different story in Europe, where both French and German herbalists and  homeopaths continued to make extensive use of it.  

It had been introduced there by Gerhard Madaus, who travelled from Germany to  America in 1937, returning with seed to establish commercial plots of Echinacea.  His firm conducted extensive research on echinacin, a concentrate they made  from the juice of flowering tops of the plants he had brought back. It was put into  ointments, liquids for internal and external use, and into products for injections.

GTR - 07

F There is no evidence that Echinacea is effective against snakebite, but Dr Meyer  - who genuinely believed in Echinacea - would probably be quite amused if he  could come back and see the uses to which modern science has put ‘his’ herb.  He might not be surprised that science has confirmed Echinacea’s role as a  treatment for wounds, or that it has been found to be helpful in relieving arthritis,  both claims Meyer made for the herb. 

He might though be surprised to learn how Echinacea is proving to be an  effective weapon against all sorts of disease, particularly infections. German  researchers had used it successfully to treat a range of infections and found it to  be effective against bacteria and protozoa². 

There are many other intriguing medical possibilities for extracts from the herb,  but its apparent ability to help with our more common ailments has seen  thousands of people become enthusiastic converts. Dozens of packaged  products containing extracts of Echinacea can now be found amongst the many  herbal remedies and supplements on the shelves of health stores and  pharmacies. Many of those might be the modern equivalents of ‘snake oil’, but  Echinacea at least does seem to have some practical value. 

G Echinacea is a dry prairie plant, drought-resistant and pretty tolerant of most  soils, although it does best in good soil with plenty of sun. Plants are usually  grown from seed but they are sometimes available from nurseries. Echinacea is  a distinctive perennial with erect, hairy, spotted stems up to a metre tall. Flower  heads look like daisies, with purple rayed florets and a dark brown central cone.  The leaves are hairy; the lower leaves are oval to lance-shaped and coarsely and  irregularly toothed. 

H There are nine species of Echinacea in all but only three are generally grown for  medicinal use. All have similar medicinal properties. Most European studies have  used liquid concentrates extracted from the tops of plants, whereas extraction in  the USA has usually been from the roots. Today most manufacturers blend both,  sometimes adding flowers and seeds to improve the quality. 

For the home grower, the roots of all species seem equally effective. Dig them up  in autumn after the tops have died back after the first frost. Wash and dry them  carefully and store them in glass containers. You can harvest the tops throughout  the summer and even eat small amounts of leaf straight from the plant. 

Even if you don’t make your fortune from this herb, there are few sights more  attractive than a field of purple coneflowers in all their glory. And with a few  Echinacea plants nearby, you’ll never go short of a cure.

GTR - 07 Questions 34-40 

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text? In boxes 34-40 on your answer sheet, write 

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information FALSE if the statement contradicts the information NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this 

34 ‘Snake oil’ sellers believed their product was effective. 35 Most people in the Wild West mistrusted ‘snake oil’. 36 Some ‘snake oils’ were mostly water. 

37 All ‘snakes oils’ contained Echinecea. 

38 Echinacea has been proven to kill microbes. 

39 The highest quality Echinacea is grown in America. 40 More than one part of the Echinacea plant has a medical use.