
 GTR 02 

Section 1 

Read the information below and answer Question 1-7 

Online Tutors 

ONLINE Tutors are excellent EFL/ESL teachers from around the world! They canbeyour privateEnglish tutor right on your computer! To send an email message to an ONLINETutor, just clickonthe name and write a short message to introduce yourself! 

A. I Astrid Manyana (F 46) Chile 

Special offer for Spanish speakers: bilingual teaching of English grammar andexplanationsinSpanish. 25 years’ experience teaching all levels from age 15 to 55. Basics, oral, written, specificinterests [eg: tourism] and preparation for Cambridge and IE0S exams. I canmakespeakingEnglish easy for you! 

B. John Bennett-Smith (M 27) Canada 

I have been teaching English conversation as a volunteer in a language centre in mycityforaboutone year. I have also been using e-mail. ICQ and NetMeeting to teach grammar, compositionandconversation over the Internet to about 20 or so students for about the same lengthof time. Iamwilling to teach (free of charge), privately or to groups, and to teach those languageskillswhichare of interest to a particular student. 

C. Pamela Arrowsmltfi (F 56) Australia 

I have taught English for over 30 years, and have developed a range of classroommaterials.Ioffer tutoring assistance in all areas of English, with an emphasis on Business WritingforEFLadults. I can arrange trips to Australia for business and professional adults, either individualsorgroups [maximum of four adults] and these can include English classes. If desired.

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D. Jean-Ptorre JoyaJ (M 22) France 

I really like to create new kinds of teaching materials and I usually create my own activitiesinsteadof using the same kind of exercises and texts we all are used to. Let’s try that inour classes–itwill be fun! I have a BA degree and a Certificate in Teaching English as a SecondLanguageandIhave been teaching all levels of ESL students for more than 3 years. I offer acomplimentaryassessment of your skill level. 

E. Naoe Nagayo (F 36) Japan 

I have taught English as a Foreign Language for 6 years. I have a TEFL certificatefromtheUSAand a MA in Applied Linguistics from the University of Birmingham, UK. My studentsrangefrompreschoolers to adults. With my experience and knowledge, I can help you to target your learningdifficulties and improve your English ability! 

Question 1-7 

Look at the description of Online Tutors (A-E). 

Write the appropriate letter A-E for each space. 

Which tutor would you choose…? 

Example: …If your first language was Spanish? – A 

1. to teach young children? 

2. to improve English for your business? 

3. if you didn’t have much money? 

4. if you were bored with the usual language learning exercises? 5. to do exam preparation 

Which TWO descriptions mention… 

6. language teaching qualifications? 

7. more than 10 years’ teaching experience?

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No-Waste Recycling Guide 

No-Waste is a goal and a process that involves individuals, communities, businessesandall levelsof government. It leads to a future where trash is a thing of the past. Solid wasteisn’t hiddenorburied in landfills but fully utilised as the valuable resource that it is. Through redesign, reduction,reuse, repair, recycling, composting and changes in attitude, we aimto createopportunityandwealth instead of garbage. 


Inside your blue box: 

Every second week: Put garbage and recyclables out before 8 AM on collection day. 

Household Plastic containers 

Includes milk jugs, yogurt containers, detergent bottles. Excludes containers madeof foam, plasticcontainers which held ammonia-based products, or metal bottle lids. Rinse to removefoodorresidue. Leave labels on, flatten or stack plastic containers to reduce space required. 

Glass containers 

Leave labels on. Rinse. Discard caps. 

No other types of glass such as kitchenware, drinking glasses, window glass, light bulbs, mirrorsor any broken glass. 


Food and beverage containers. 

Cans — rinse and remove labels, flatten and fold together. 

Foil trays — rinse, flatten and fold together. 

No metal pots, take out container lids, cigarette wrappings. 

Beside your blue box: 

Yellow Bag 

Household paper — junk mail, envelopes, brochures, paper bags, egg cartons (fibreonly);boxpackaging such as cereal, shoe boxes, paper towel cores, white and colouredofficepaper,telephone books.

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Remove liners, flatten packaging and place inside the bag. 

Mo drinking boxes, paper towels or waxed paper. 

Blue Bag 

Newspapers, inserts, sales flyers, magazines and catalogues. Remove magazinecovers,perfumed inserts. No books or soiled newspapers. 

Textiles, Clothing And Linens 

Race clean textiles in a separate plastic shopping bag tied with string. 


Packing boxes, liquor boxes. 

Flatten bundles and tie — no larger than 30 x 30 x 8. Place beside a blue box. No waxedorcoated boxes, soiled pizza boxes. 

Question 8-14 

Read the passage “No-Waste Recycling Guide” on the next page. Choose ONE item only from the list below to go in each recycling container. 

8. in the Blue Box 

9. in the Yellow Bag 

10. in the Blue Bag

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Look at the following statements. Write: 

YES if the answer is “yes’ 

NO if the answer is ‘no’ 

NOT GIVEN if there is no information about this in the passage 

11. Do I put out items for recycling every other week? 12. Should I remove labels from food cans? 

13. Can I recycle a broken window? 

14. Is there a separate collection for large household items?

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Section 2 

Distance Learning 

Students interested in enrolling on a distance learning course give many reasons for not beingable to study in a conventional Way. Some may not have had the opportunity to followacollegecourse in the past. Others may be seeking qualifications which will improve their jobprospects.Some already hold a qualification but now want to qualify’ in a new field for career reasons, andothers want to study for personal interest. 

People who cannot attend college as internal students, look to the flexibility that studyingbydistance education (or distance learning, as it is sometimes called) provides to satisfytheir desirefor a qualification. 

The main attribute of distance learning is that students do not need to attend the courseinperson,although they may be involved in short courses or seminars from time to time throughout theperiod of study. Students can choose for themselves where, when and for howlongtheywanttostudy, using learning materials which have been specially constructed and presentedtohelpthemin their understanding. 

The materials sent to students may take the form of workbooks, radio and TVor videoprogramsand computer disks. Many programs of study are now delivered to the student’s homethroughtheInternet. 

Work is usually assessed by written assignments sent back to be marked and evaluatedat thehome institution. There may be a dialogue between the student and the tutor by phone, letter, faxor email. Often, there are summer schools or occasional revision classes run by thehomeinstitution. Some institutions also provide tutorials with the aid of computer and/or videoconferencing. Entrance requirements for distance learning courses will vary accordingtotheinstitution and the qualification sought. 

Whatever study arrangements external students make, they need to come to terms withthedifficulties and pressures involved in studying at a distance. Preparing for a degreeasanexternalstudent is a real test of ability and character — strong motivation and a determinationtosucceedare needed. Obviously the support of family, colleagues and friends are of enormousimportancewhen studying for a degree by distance learning.

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Many employers are also aware of the difficulties that people have in working full-time, yet needingto acquire qualifications and keep them up to date. Now, distance learning programsarebeingdevised and offered by institutions around the world. 

Although studying at a distance will be cheaper than going to college, students must beawareofthe difficulties of studying alone. They should watch out for bogus institutions offeringlearningopportunities at a high price with little service. Students have differing needs and themost suitablemode of study will vary from person to person. 

Questions 15-20 

Complete the following summary using ONE WORD FROM THE PASSAGE for eachspace. 

The advantages of distance learning include the 15 to study at a timeandplace of your choosing and to work at your own pace. 

Personal qualities essential for distance learning are a high degree of motivation and16 . 

To succeed at distance learning, you need the assistance of friends, family and17Distance learning is 18 than studying on campus but certainly not-easier. Be careful of 19 colleges which provide inadequate 20 at greatcost.

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Business School Online 

Our courses can be started anytime from anywhere in the world and completed at your ownpace.A certificate is issued on successful completion of the course. 

Advertising And Promotion Course 

Duration: 100 Hours 

Course Materials: Upon enrolment, you will receive all of the materials that are essential tocomplete the course. Course materials include subject guides, printed notes, textbooks, videosand practical equipment. In certain circumstances, you may be required to do extraresearch—inwhich case your tutor is able to advise you where necessary. 

Course Outline: There are ten lessons in this course, each requiring about 10-12hoursof workby the student. This course is designed as a program to help you understand the marketingworld,then, to assist you in making decisions and developing skills in marketing. Emphasisisplacedonprofitability and efficiency! 

Examples Of The Type Of Assignments You Might Be Asked To Undertake: 

1. (A) Go shopping (your routine weekly shopping if you like). Take notice of howdifferentsales staff communicate with you. Note the techniques they use (verbal andnon-verbal),and how effective they are. Note the type of impression they seemto be creating. Whenyou come home, write down notes on your observations. 

2. (B) Look through newspapers or magazines at advertisements or articles whichdiscussproducts offered for sale and find what you consider to be good examples of eachof thefollowing type of communication: 

⮚ Verbal Communication 

⮚ Non-verbal communication 

⮚ Combination of verbal and non-verbal communication

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Explain why you think these are good examples? 

1. C) Select a product or service for which you would like to improve the marketing. Thismightbe something you are dealing with in your own business or a business you work for, or it mightbe something you think has potential. Something you think has potential —anideayouwouldlike to develop into a business OR something another business is dealing with, but not handling as well as you think they could. 

Develop an advertising campaign for this product or service ⮚ You will need to select a method for determining an advertising budget andthenset thatbudget. 

⮚ You will then need to find out the costs of advertising in different places. 

You will then need to write advertisements for these various places. The campaignshouldbewell targeted. 

Note: We do not expect you to present a highly detailed and involved campaign. Thiscouldtakelonger than the whole course! Put about 10 hours of work into this project, at the most, andthenyou will present what you have been able to achieve in that time. (You need not onlytodevelopthe ability to put a campaign together but also be able to put it together within a reasonabletimeframe)

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Questions 21-27 

Complete the summary. 

Choose your answers from the list of words below. 

There are more words than you need so you will not use all of them. The first sample assignment asks you to 21_______________sales personnel in shops, tonotethe types of 22_______________they use and to assess their effectiveness. The second task involves finding 23_______________of good advertising and 24_______________ why these particular ads work well. 

Another activity requires you to 25_______________an advertising campaign for aproduct orservice. You need to establish a 26_______________for the project then design different kindsofads, within a 27_______________timeframe. 

List of Words 












 communication  effective  advertise

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Section 3 

Slow Food 

A. Slow Food is an international grassroots movement dedicated to preserving thecultural heritage of good food. It started as a humorous protest against the spread of fast foodaroundthe world and has developed into a major advocate for the world’s unique foodproducts. Themovement’s logo is a snail. Since being founded in 1986 the Slow Food snail hascrept fromits home in Italy to 45 other countries around the world and now boasts over members. Themovement challenges the loss of flavor resulting from the industrialisation of foodandagriculture. Its approach is ‘eco-gastronomic’. Slow Food is committed to compilinganddistributing information about local foods, drink and culture. Its purpose is to preserveendangered foods, encourage biodiversity, and support small-scale producers of ethnicandlocal products around the world. 

B. Modern agri-business has given the world cheap food with little taste, producedat ahighcostto the environment. Slow Food has been instrumental in developing initiatives toreviveproducts that take time and craftsmanship to create and which are threatenedbyglobal corporate practices. Protecting local traditions also means safeguarding the peopleandecosystems involved in their manufacture. It also provides incentives for the pursuit of production methods which are healthier for taste, the environment and the agricultural economy. 

C. Statistics on the loss of biodiversity in our food chain are alarming. In less thanacenturyover300 plant species have disappeared — one plant species disappears every six hours. Todayless than 30 varieties of plant feed 95% of the world’s population. In Europe, half thebreedsofdomestic livestock became extinct during the course of the twentieth century. Thecrisisovermad cow disease and the ongoing debate over genetically modified food has givenSlowFood,with its organic methods, unexpected political influence. 

D. In the space of a few years, Slow Food has become a major lobbying force in theEuropeanUnion on agriculture and trade policy. Agri-business practices that have becomedominantaregeared to produce in quantity. This is a carryover from agricultural policies set inthe1950sinEurope when hunger from the war was still a vivid memory. At that time, whenthegoal wasself-sufficiency, farmers received subsidies to the amounts they produced. Therewasandstillis no reward for quality. Two generations ago, the average European family spent about one

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half of its income on food. Today, they spend about 15 percent. Surveys conductedbySlowFood show that a large majority of Italians would be willing to pay up to 20 percent moreforfood in order to guarantee its quality, especially given recent food scares and scandals. 

E. As national boundaries disappear in Europe and become more open around theworld, foodhas emerged as an important source of identity. Slow Food’s position on globalizationisthatithas the potential to help as well as harm the small food producer. On the one hand, globalization has allowed multinational corporations to extend their reach to virtuallyeverycorner of the world. However, rather than being afraid of the fast-food giants, SlowFoodisattempting to offer an alternative choice of ‘virtuous globalization’ by choosingtofocusonquality and helping the small local producer to access the global market. 

F. The Slow Food organization has to find ways to ensure its own economic viability. For this,they publish food guides four times a year. This strategy proved to be very successful. Someof the most popular of these feature restaurants serving authentic, local foods at local prices.Numerous and varied initiatives have sprung around the world. Italy’s largest foodshow, the‘Salon de Gusto’, sponsored by the Slow Food movement, provides an international markettohundreds of small producers whose goods, until recently, rarely left their villageor region. Nowthere is even ‘slow travel’. A growing number of tour operators in Italy, France, AustraliaandIndia subscribe to the movement, promoting ‘cultural and educational journeys usingfoodandthe people that produce it as the learning medium’. ‘Slow cities’ are entire communitiesdedicated to improving the quality of life for their citizens through environmentallysound, culturally-aware, eco-gastronomic policies and activities. 

G. Another significant initiative of Slow Food is the Ark of Taste, a database of endangeredspecies of edible plants and domestic animals worldwide. Commissions have beenset upinmany countries to seek out and catalogue new products. So far, 800 products from26countries have been figuratively brought on board the Ark in the attempt to savethem. TheArkof Taste has become an international project and a resource for agricultural biodiversityaround the world. 

H. So, a movement that began as a humorous protest against fast food has in its ownorganicway, evolved into a versatile and intelligent advocate for the protection of the environment.The best response to a global force challenging the ability to enjoy our food andour livesbegins, according to the Slow Food movement, ‘at the table’. We are invited toslowdown,

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appreciate the flavors of food and drink, and cultivate the art of living. Fast foodisn’t likelytodisappear, 

but Slow Food seems to be here to stay as well. Its message is getting through–encouragingpleasure-loving environmentalism as an alternative to the high-speed pace of thefast-foodworld. From its humble beginnings, Slow Food now includes a global network of peoplecapable of generating ideas, and programs to defend the right to a responsibleformof pleasure, respectful of cultural diversity and available to all. 

Questions 28-31 

The passage “Slow Food’ has 8 paragraphs (A-H). 

In which paragraph can the information below be found? 

28. a catalogue of domestic animals at risk of disappearing 29. statistics on the loss of variety in agricultural species 30.initiatives to ensure the financial survival of the organisation 31. information on the food budget of an average family 

Question 32 

Which of the following does the Slow Food Movement NOT promote? The first one has been done for you. Indicate the letters of the remaining TWO. 

32. __ 

A. old-fashioned cooking methods 

B. genetically modified foods 

C. endangered species of edible plants 

D. junk food culture 

E. the enjoyment of good food and drink 

F. high yield industrial farming 

G. rare local domestic animals 

H. organic methods of production

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Questions 33-38 

Choose ONE phrase from the list (A-H) that matches each of the expressions below. There are more phrases than expressions so you will not use all of them. 

33. slow travel 

34. Salon de Gusto 

35. Ark of Taste 

36. agri-business 

37. virtuous globalization 

38. food guides 

List of Phrases 

A. a resource for agricultural biodiversity 

B. a showcase for Italian food products 

C. a database of Slow Food members 

D. helping local producers compete in the international market 

E. published four times a year 

F. operates in Europe, Asia and Australia 

G. promotes the protection of the environment and goodeating

H. produces food using industrial methods 

Questions 39 and 40 

Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS FROMTHEPASSAGE.39. Following which crisis did the Slow Food movement become a political force?40. This movement was started as a reaction against what?